There is so much more to a quality neighborhood than curb appeal. LifeStore Insurance specializes in offering protection for neighborhoods to protect their assets and plan for future needs.
Neighborhoods may only consist of a few houses or be well established and “built-out.”
Most neighborhoods operate as a not-for-profit entity and be a 501-c3 or other classification. It is vital that EACH of these types of non-profits have the RIGHT non-profit insurance.
Key to any non-profit’s coverage is its Directors and Officers Liability insurance, which provides protection when claims are made against directors and officers for wrongful acts. By purchasing D&O, you are securing the assets of your organization from possible costly litigation and awards.
We may also assist you with your needs including: Property, General Liability, Automobile and Umbrella insurance. Let us know how we can help!
Your neighborhood association is an important part of our community. Make sure that your insurance coverage is keeping pace. We can mix and match your coverage to meet your specific needs.
Call us today at: 1-800-488-4999 for your free quote.